大型室外奶倉 Large Out Door Storage Tank
功能用途 Application
Applicable for large milk collection centre,or for milk outdoor storage at large milk production plant;also used at other food and pharmacy factory for storage of liquid product.This equipment is equipped with cleaning system,agitator,sight and view devices,also have attachments of thermometer and level indication meter.
技術說明 Specifications
Material: all material used is high quality SUS304-2B or SUS316L stainless steel, inner shell8=3-4mm and out shel6=2mm and cooling jacket =1.5mm;
Structure: cylindrical shape, conical top cover of 15 degree, with skirt base; with PU(Polyurethane) as heat insulation; with cooling dimple pad at tank wall and base.
Volume range:15,000L-120,000L
Standard attachments:
1、1個罐體底部密閉型側人孔;One air tight side manway;
2、1個罐體底部側攪拌(960rpm);One side mounted agitator;
3、1個PT100數(shù)顯溫度計,溫度顯示范圍0~100℃;One PT100 thermometer, temperarure range 0-100℃
4、2只CIP清洗球;Two cip cleaning ball;
5、1個無菌取樣閥;One aseptic sample valve;
6、防蠅防蟲透氣帽;Anti buterfly and dirt air vent;
7、物料進/出口;Product inlet/outlet;
8、冷卻介質進/出口;Cooling medium inlet/outlet;
9、液位傳感器Level sensor;
10、帶護欄爬梯和罐體頂部護欄。Ladder with circle protection and protection fence at tank top.