產品名稱:磁力攪拌器S.HD 78-1A
It s suitable for agitation of solution with htgh viscosity in laboraties and anlaytical units of schools and instjtutes of petroleum. chemical engineering. metallurgy. environmental protection. medicine and health. etc.
* 該產品結構緊湊、美觀、操作方便。采用直流穩(wěn)速電機,無噪音、無振動,操作時因無級調速,更安全。
Structruai Features :
The agitator adopts DC speed regulated motor without noise or vibration and does not require speed regulation。
主要技術指標: Primary technical indexes:
* 產品名稱:Product name : 磁力攪拌器 Magnetic stirrer
* 產品型號:Product type : S.HD 78-1A
* 調速范圍 : Shaking frequency : 起動—2400轉/分 無級調速
* 攪拌容量 : Agitating capacity : ≤500ml
* 攪拌方式 : Shaking Model : 單 向 式
* 溫度范圍 :Temperature Scoper : RT+3℃~100℃
*加熱功率(KW):Rated power (KW) : 0.15
* 額定功率(KW):Rated power (KW) : 1.0
* 電 壓 / 電 源: Voltage / powe : 220V±10% / 50HZ+2%
* 工作臺面尺寸(cm):Size of work room ( cm ) : ¢12
* 外形尺寸(cm):Outine Size ( cm ) : 21×19×13
* 包裝尺寸(cm):Size of outside packing( cm ) : 29×20×16
* 凈重/毛重(Kg):Net/gross weight( kg ) : 1.8 / 2