TAYLOR WINFIELD Combination Flash-Butt Welders..... (Drawing) Coil Width: 52" to 100" (1320 mm to 2540 mm) Coil Thickness: .046" to .375" (1 mm to 9.5 mm) Applications: Flash-Butt Welders predominate in Pickle Lines but are also used to advantage in heavy-gauge Coil Preparation, Shot Blasting, Side Trimming and Slitting Lines, and Welded Tube and Pipe Mills. More than 160 Taylor-Winfield steel mill Flash-Butt Welders are in use throughout the world. Description: Flash-Butt Welding is an ultra-fast joining process with fusion occurring over the entire weld area simultaneously. It is the only resistance welding technique in which surface scale has little or no effect on the weld quality and consistency -- a major reason for its use in pickling lines. After trimming, flash-butt welds are as thin as the strip itself and pass readily through subsequent reduction and forming equipment. In most cases, the welds lose their identity and continue on into the consumer product.